Lajna Mentoring Conference 2018


Lajna Ima’illah USA held its 15th annual Lajna Mentoring Conference 2018 at Masjid Baitus Samee, Houston, TX from March 16–18. Alhamdolillah, this conference was attended by an estimated number of 250 Lajna members, including the National Amilah, Regional Sadrs, and Local Sadrs with their approved delegates representing, almost all the Majalis. The conference served as platform for collective learning, working towards common goals and enhancement of sisterhood. It is hoped and prayed that the training received at the conference will reach all sisters everywhere in the US.


Tarbiyyat Department

The Holy Prophet (sa), Our Role Model
Presented by National Secretary Tarbiyyat, Aziza Rahman

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Public Affairs Department

Loyalty to Nation
Presented by National Mu’avin Sadr in-charge of Public Affairs, Shazia Sohail

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Lajna Constitution Updates

Additions & changes to the Constitution approved by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) since 2010
Presented by National Secretary Taleem, Mubarika Shah

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Majlis Shura related Rules, Regulations, Procedures and additions approved by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba)
Presented by National Muavin Waqifat/IT, Mabroor Jattala

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Lajna Ima’illah USA held its 15th annual Lajna Mentoring Conference 2018 at Masjid Baitus Samee, Houston, TX from March 16–18.

Alhamdolillah, this conference was attended by an estimated number of 250 Lajna members, including the National Amilah, Regional Sadrs, and Local Sadrs with their approved delegates representing, almost all the Majalis. 

The confere
nce served as platform for collective learning, working towards common goals and enhancement of sisterhood. It is hoped and prayed that the training received at the conference will reach all sisters everywhere in the US

LMC 2018 - Overview


Tarbiyyat Department 

The Holy Prophet (sa) my Role Model

"Verily you have in the Prophet of Allah an excellent model, for him who fears Allah and the Last Day and who remembers Allah much." (33:22)

The importance of a good role model:

  • Having a  positive role model is one of the most crucial aspects of self-improvement.
  • People who are constantly striving to improve themselves always have a good role model in their lives, a role model that sets standards in every area of life. ... [Read more]

The presenter of this Powerpoint should use the notes that accompany the slides.

The notes to go with this Powerpoint: [Download here]

Presented by National Secretary Tarbiyyat, Aziza Rahman


 Public Affairs

  • January 2017 - September 2017

  • Lajna PA Department

  • Jama’at Day on the Hill

  • What to Present?

  • Local One-Pager


  • Business Cards

  • How to Schedule a Meeting ... [Read more]

 Presented by National Mu’avin Sadr in-charge of Public Affairs, Shazia Sohail


 Lajna Constitution


  • Additions & changes to the Constitution approved by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) since 2010 [Donlowad here]

Presented by National Secretary Taleem, Mubarika Shah


The procedure for conducting the Majils-eShura is included in the Lajna Constitution (2017) for the first time. 

  • Majlis Shura related Rules, Regulations, Procedures and additions approved by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) [Download here]

Presented by National Muavin Waqifat/IT, Mabroor Jattala



Lets Stop Making Excuses - low attendance at meetings

our beloved Huzoor (aba) has asked us to draw attention to this matter.

So let us turn our attention a little more to what we can gain from attending Lajna meetings.

  • Opportunities for Education advancement in the Holy Quran, Ahadith, teachings from the Promised Messiah (as)
  • Opportunities to review and learn from the Friday Sermons of Beloved Huzoor (aba)
  • Opportunities to help and serve the community [Read more] Coming Soon

The presenter of this Powerpoint should use the notes that accompany the slides.

The notes to go with this Powerpoint: [Download here]

Presented by National General Secretary, Sabahat Ali

True Siterhood

Sisterhood is defined as an organization of women with a common interest, as for social, charitable,business, or political purposes. The word stems from being together in a sorority or ministry. There is commonality of interests that sometimes spans over a lifetime. Sisterhood is having women in your life who are not your blood sisters but always have your back and are always there for you. [Read more]

Presented by Local Lajna Sadr Silicon Valley, Saadia Ahmad


Tarbiyyat of Social Media 

  • Lajna members need to understand the potential danger that negligence of purdah on social media presents.
  • New apps are introduced almost everyday which are geared towards more and more open communication and less privacy among users.
  • Use of cameras on smartphones has made it easier to share videos and photos openly. Often the women are without purdah as they may be attending weddings and other social gatherings. [Read more]

Presented by National Muavin Sadr Media Watch, Shahina Bashir


 Letter Writing to Huzoor (aba)

How often can you write to Huzoor (aba)

Alhamdulillah as members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community we are blessed with the institution of Khilafat and we can write or fax a letter to Huzoor (aba) as often as we like. 

  • We may write for any of the following reasons:
    • to introduce ourselves or to share some news 
    • to request prayers 
    • to request advice and guidance on a matter in your own life 
    • to make an inquiry for an explanation about Islamic teachings etc ...[Read more]

Nasirat Letter - Sample [Download here]

Nasirat Letter - Printable Template [Download here]


MTA video on letter writing to Huzoor (aba)